Sunday, April 18, 2010

Election 2010 Senatorial Preferences

I find it sad to see old Traditional Politicians [TRAPO] still clinging inside the "Magic 12" of Senatorial Surveys over the past months. I hope the trend will change, or rather, these crappy surveys will not reflect the true voice of the people.

I would definitely campaign for those who are really deserving to win, and those whom I think can make a difference and can do something based on their previous experiences and projects.

  1. Acosta, Neric (LP) - Environmental Economics and Development, Education, Livelihood, Justice and Human Rights
  2. Biazon, Ruffy (LP) - Poverty Alleviation, Defense and Public Safety, and Socio-Economic Reforms
  3. Defensor - Santiago, Miriam (PRP-PMP) - Anti-Graft and Corruption, Agrarian Reform, Energy, and Foreign Relations
  4. Drilon, Frank (LP) - Justice and Public Policy, Anti-Graft and Corruption, Peace and Stability
  5. Guingona, Teofisto III (LP) - Budget Reform, Consumer Rights, Food, Health, Education, and Disaster Risk Management
  6. Hontiveros - Baracquel, Risa (LP), a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Population and Reproductive Health, National Peace and Stability, Socio-Economic Reforms, and Gender Equality
  7. Marcos, Ferdinand Jr. (NP) - Renewable Energy, Tourism, Agriculture, and Infrastructures
  8. Recto, Ralph (LP) - Trade and Economic Policies, Agriculture, Infrastructures and Technology
  9. Remulla, Gilbert (NP) - Population, Environment, and Youth Representation
  10. Roco, Sonia (Aksyon-LP) - Health, Education, Environment and Gender Issues
  11. Tamano, Adel (NP) - Youth, Education, Transparency and Good Governance

The 12th spot is still vacant, although its a toss between Satur Ocampo, Pia Cayetano, and Liza Masa.

Just to say, in my opinion, as much as possible DO NOT VOTE for Jinggoy Estrada, Tito Sotto and Lito Lapid, I don't say that they are not capable of the position, but still, there are better and deserving to the post than these three. There are people who can do things better than what Estrada, Sotto and Lapid can do.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Pitstop: A Season of Personal Inquiry

Just a thought after we, Kim, Alex and I, had a talk about this matter over dinner and somehow concluded that it is may be for us,

"...a year of contemplation..."

I believe that majority of my batch are having this kind of dilemma. Taking a pause amidst everything in order to have a moment to think and reflect. Having different questions about life, purpose and ambition. To reinstate one's dreams with one's achievements, and to prepare one's self in making a big leap from adolescence to young adulthood.

For most people, its a mere question of "Where do I go from here?" having been able to finish one's academic requirements and be able to fully cross the bounds to the real adult world. It is a question of purpose, if what they have taken is right, if it suits their own preferences. A question of ambition, taking a pause in order to make things hit the goal.

Now, it is a different material in my case, not being able to make it in time for graduation, for it is a deeper sense of inquiry wherein I am even questioning my own decisions in life. "How can I cope up? Am I still on the right track?", a question that panics me to rush up and strike things right, that I may be able to correct all the wrong decisions in the past.

Heck, Maturity strikes us at this age. A solitary challenge that we ought to face in order to prepare ourselves for a bigger task that life will bring in the mere future, as young adults.